Drinking together

"Drinking together"-2/4/2024- 6.00 pm CETA time (7.00 pm Ελληνική ώρα)
All the participants will have a local drink
Rania Panagiotidou: Which are the benefits of having international members in an organization .
Andreas : Technical information , How to be a legal member of OIKOPOLIS
-Welcome from Sofia Dimitriou Psarrou- President of OIKOPOLIS:What is our Strategy
-Goal of this Network by Niki Kakiopoulou.What are the benefits in a local organization to create a Network of people from different countries.
-Some ideas on this, by Eleni Basta
-Τhe honor members will express their ideas( Elmo, Ιa, Guney, Bruna)
- The participants present themselves and their drink for 1 minute
-Next steps by Sofia
Discussion and proposals for 20 minutes
-Rania and Andreas close the meeting